Okay, so I can't believe I am actually going to share this story since I should probably be ashamed. But I am not (ashamed) so I will (share).
This past weekend in addition to our trip to Houston we went to the Kemah Boardwalk. It is this super cute place. There are carnival amusement park rides and restaurants and boat tours, etc. Here are pictures...

So, I decide to face my fear of falling to my death and go on the Kemah Tower ride with Ryan. It is a pretty tame ride, you just go up in a round, well tower looking thing (here's a picture).

Before getting on the ride we discover you must buy tickets. Well, we're there on a Friday night and the place is packed and the ticket line is a little long. Not too bad, but a 15 min. wait or so.
As we are winding our way to the front of the ticket line a man is kind of making a production that he needs to get up to meet with his family or people he has closer to the front of the line. Fine, right? No big deal...let the man get to his family or friends or whatever.
Minutes pass...we are waiting, Ryan is annoyed because he hates crowds of people. Kids are crying and fussing, you know the drill.
Then a lady comes up behind Ryan and is annoyed because he doesn't realize she is trying to get by and he doesn't hear her. She kind of huffs and puffs by gets by the line of people. She obviously is trying to get to her family also. So now we are finally getting closer and there is a couple holding up one of the ticket booth cashiers, they can't decide or something... I don't know what the issue is, but now I don't care because a ticket person is ready for me.
So now I am ordering our tickets for the Kemah Tower and I realize that the couple holding up part of the line is the man and woman who separately cut in line to get in front of everyone. What? Those dicks! Who does that! The ultimate line cutting scam (who even thinks of this!) Ugh, I was so annoyed and I told Ryan..."hey, it's that man and that lady together!...they scammed all of us and cut in line!!!" Of course, Ryan is cool and calm and says..."Who cares, just ignore them."
Here is where the story gets interesting. So I am staring them down...they are right next to us and their total is like $41.08 or something for two all night passes and the guy gives the person $40 and then the girl says "Sir, it is $41.08" and so he pulls out --- and I am not kidding a giant wad of cash (who carries cash around anymore?) and he finds a $1 and is like well I don't have any change. He does the old grab the pocket and shrugs his shoulder manuver. So the cashier is looking at him confused (probably thinking like I am ---break a freaking $20 or something you weirdo) and he is telling her he still doesn't have any change. This is an uncomfortable few minutes and the lady he's with (you know the one that was rude to Ryan) is annoyed and she looks at me getting our change from the $10 we just paid with and asks us for the 8 cents. Is she insane? I practically want to strangle her. Ryan kind of grabs my arm gently to lead me towards the ride and I tell her this:
"NO! I am not giving you the money because you cut in front of me in line and that was rude."
Classic junior high...perhaps even elementary school response. And to think I am a teacher who has a rule that no one can complain that anyone is cutting in line because I don't want to hear it.
Ryan was so pissed that I just didn't ignore them (he has this whole thing that he worries I am going to piss someone off some day and it is going to lead to him getting into an altercation). I honestly could not stop myself, it would have annoyed me all night.
But I must say I was a little paranoid that they were going to end up sitting next to us in a restaurant or on the ride.