I am finally settled in our apartment...only now we have to start thinking about what's next. Our temporary lease is almost up.
My best friend got married this weekend. I am so happy for her. The wedding weekend was awesome but we partied like we were 18 again, which we obviously aren't. I am crazy tired today. I considered sleeping during my kids lunch today, but didn't for fear that I wouldn't wake. Don't we look cute?

I just opened a subpoena to appear in court as a witness on an assault charge. The real problem is that they want me to appear in court from Dec. 14th to the 18th...which is the last week of school before Christmas. Another huge issue is that the charge is against a family member. I don't want to be involved in this. Why am I being punished because other people make crappy decisions. I am sure it will all work out.
Ryan just came in the room with a black light that he purchased at Lowe's to detect if the dogs have been peeing in our house. Am I the only one who thinks this is hilarious? He is taking to forensics to bust our animals. Too funny.