And if I wasn't so crazy it probably would have gone perfectly, but since I am a nutjob, it didn't.
For those of you that don't know me, I tend to have tourette's like outbursts, especially when I am nervous around adults. (you would have figured this out anyway, but I am just putting it out there)
So they (the realtor and decorator) arrived at 10am. I was ready and on time (yay! -- it was a tiny miracle) and she prefaced** the conversation by saying "Any suggestions I make are not personal, there are two ways to live in a house: the way people really live and the way you have to live when you are selling your home."
A normal person would have smiled and nodded...but I said "So are you going to tell us this place is a shithole?"
Ugh. I am so embarrassing.
And that is pretty much how the day went, with me making an ass of myself. Thankfully she didn't have too many suggestions and at least told me that our house is clean and to make sure we keep it that way everyday.
She also told us that we need to start keeping our dogs in the garage, which I have a serious problem with. Our dogs are like our children. Even our naughty dog is a spoiled brat. Look how cute they are (now I need to figure out how to post a picture)...

(...that was easy)
I guess they will be fine they are just dogs, but until we have kids these mutts are our lives. They are our babies and our parents grand-dogs (mom you'll get a new grandchild one day). When I was in high school our neighbor was selling their home, kept their dog in the garage and it died from eating antifreeze. Dogs can get into poison, have you seen Year of the Dog ?(funny/sad movie by the way -- oh look, I figured how to post a link). Ryan assured me that we don't have any poison, but I am not convinced.
She also told us we can keep up post its for the realtors...such as "Dogs are in the garage" (I keep typing God) or "Please turn off lamps when you leave". I was thinking more along the line of : "Stay out of my medicine cabinet, the good stuff is put away***" or "Keep your paws out of my panty drawer". Ryan doesn't think leaving funny notes will reel in buyers.
I am sort of against removing all of our pictures. As we have been touring houses I am so curious to see who lived there. (see previous post about how the internet is making me a crazy stalker --- I swear I am barely an arms length away from a restraining order).
Besides it is my home and I love our house. Now that we repainted our front door and spruced up the place maybe we should just keep it.
I don't think I will be disappointed if it doesn't sell.

BTW, this picture does it no justice. An abomination of a television.
**I think we can agree if someone says I am not trying to offend they will inevitably offend you anyway.
***Mom if you are reading this by good stuff I mean antibiotics and possibly some leftover vicodin that I never took from my surgery last summer, and maybe some birth control.
This is hilarious! I will stay in my house for 100 years because i fear the day I have to try to keep it tidy and lord knows where all the toys would go and our dog is totally drooly and smelly and she would never put up with being in the garage and if she was, she would totally attack (in a loving and licky way) whoever opened the door and you know if anyone is going to buy a house they want to see the garage.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I applaud your courage and I rather like the TV.