So as luck would have it, I have been home sick since my birthday.
I woke up feeling great, put on a nice birthday outfit, and headed out the door. I arrived at school, retrieved my students who were waiting anxiously for me in the cafeteria (perhaps more excited than I that it was my birthday). But as I was walking to my classroom I started feeling weird. Kind of dizzy, a little sweaty, and stomach cramps.
Hoping it would subside, I ignored it. It obviously did not like my disregard so it came at me with a vengeance. My best friend Christy told me she was coming by at 9:00 to bring the kids cupcakes. Right as she arrived at my classroom I told her I was feeling horribly sick and to watch them for a minute, the next thing I know I am puking in the trashcan by my desk. Real professional of me, I know.
This began the worst few days of my life thus far.
To top it off, I was on a nine year no puking streak. In fact, I can tell you the last time I was sick. It was alcohol related when I was 21, hanging out at Ryan and his roommates apartment with Christy. Let's just say it involved a beer bong.
So all weekend I had the worst intestinal virus. I even went to doctor on Saturday to make sure death was not imminent.
Just as I was turning the corner and starting to feel like myself again, I started having a weird pain on my back. It was worse on Sunday and so bad yesterday that I couldn't even sit or lay comfortably.
I went back to the doctor again and then a surgeon and had to have a cyst removed off my back. I will spare you the details but it is so extremely sore. They are packing it so it heals from the inside out, whatever that really means. Thank god for Lortab elixer or I wouldn't even be able to type right now.
During the appointment with the Surgeon he also told me that once this infection clears up, he wants to do a procedure in the OR to correct another Surgeons mistake from a similar surgery I had in 1997. I guess I will do it right at the beginning of summer to get it out of the way.
On a brighter note, yesterday I had solid foods!
As soon as this is all over, I am having a 30th unbirthday weekend!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
well, we'll be here to celebrate whenever you're ready!