So, I was recently diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which is really more of a cluster of symptoms than an actual disease. Thankfully I don't suffer from most of the symptoms, but enough for it to be annoying.
Anyway, in dealing with all of this I have learned a thing or two. First of all, I feel uncomfortable to publicly seek a 2nd opinion. I have managed to go around my gyno's back and book an appointment with a specialist, well 2 actually. There are only 3 here in Austin who are considered "specialized" and one is super hard to get in with. In fact I won't be able to see her until the beginning/middle of October. Thankfully this illness isn't life threatening. So in the meantime I made an appt. to see another one of the three doctors here.
I don't know why I am embarrassed to just tell her. I mean, what does she really care? It's my lady parts that are affected.
Oh, and now the specialists office wants my doctor to send some of my information and lab work to them, meaning I have to grow a pair and tell them. Am I that afraid of confrontation? I have actually considered having my Mom or best friend call for me. I am such a baby.
I also have picked up some of the reading material on the syndrome at Borders. It was an uncomfortable moment when I parked myself down on the carpet in the Health section/Women's Issues bookcase and a woman came to the section and looked at me with assuring eyes. That's the only way I can describe them. I was kind of embarrassed like I was looking at sex books or something. Knowing me, she probably didn't look that way at all and I was just being paranoid. I even thought about telling her the book wasn't for me. I am so weird.
Sidenote: Kate Gosselin from Jon and Kate plus too many freakin' kids has PCOS. I told Ryan that there is no way we are having 8 children. I don't see the TLC network knocking on my door anytime soon.
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
ugh. don't be embarrassed. it's only your lady bits, and it isn't like you did anything freaky to land yourself that way!
ReplyDeletei'm glad you don't have all the symptoms, it can get nasty
Crystal, I am catching up after being off the internet for 3 weeks (!!!) And reading all of your posts in a row makes me want to say, in the most loving and kind way, that your life, or your approach to it, is like the best sitcom ever written. Or "dramady". Whatever. Keeps me tuned in, definitely. You are so funny and forthright. I love it.