I have been super busy lately. It's been one of those times when you barely get a minute to stop and think about anything, and if I do get a minute I'm too tired and lazy to do anything about it.
We may have sold our house. Just putting that out there terrifies me. I don't want to jinx anything and by even putting this on the interweb I just know the deal will fall through. I'm being overly cautious and don't trust people, especially in this market. I've had a lot of drama lately about taking financial advice from a family member and it pretty much screwing me over. It's a long elaborate story and no one meant any harm, but it has become a huge mess. A mess that may lead to an alcholic slumber of a weekend. I honestly just want to move on from it. Everything will work out, I know it will (fingers crossed).
My best friend is getting married in like 3 months and I have a crap ton of planning to do in preparation. Hosting a shower (do people even like shower games because I think they're lame?), hosting a bachelorette (the one celebration I am really really really looking forward to) as she has it coming from my bachelorette party - let's just say a gift I received had the word "classic" and "dong" in the title, so she may be getting "the fist" and I'm serious (google it if you dare). Then she can worry about what she is going to do if she is in some tragic accident and her parents come across it while cleaning out her things.
I guess that's about it. My dentist's office really pissed me off today. They are lucky I haven't set fire to their office. It appears to be a trend that they are flaky and unreliable.
Oh yeah, and I have at least one child in my class that more than likely has H1N1. I have a feeling they are going to start dropping like flies next week. I am trying my hardest to vigilantly wash my hands. It would really just top off my year to not have only suffered from staph in 2009, but also from the swine flu.
As long as I don't get it the week of that bachelorette party....
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
Have fun in your bachelorette party. Best wishes to your bestfriend.