well, spring break only has a few more days left. i ended up getting a cold on sunday so i was camped out in bed for most of monday and some of tuesday. it did not keep me from celebrating saint patty's on 6th for south by southwest...

today as ryan and i were driving down south congress heading home after a long day of running errands and hanging out it was amazing to see all the people in town for this huge festival. the weather has been perfect and a lot of great bands have been playing for free. it sucks that i haven't felt 100% but i am lucky to live in such a cool city.
i haven't gotten a chance to catch any of the film festival, but i heard Bruno (sacha baron cohen) was being crazy in the streets and that seth rogen was spotted out by a show i was at. too bad i missed him. i could have geekily told him that his comedy is amazing.
anyway, spring break is coming to an end and it has been awesome. i can't believe that in a few days i am going to las vegas. way to round out the month of march.
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