Here is infamous 25 random things about me. I personally thought the Time article was funny, but not in the way the reporter intended. Some people just take themselves too seriously.
1. I get really grossed out if people have food or drinks in the bathroom. It makes me want to vomit.
2. You may have already known this, but I am a nervous talker.
3. Eyeballs are disgusting. I can't even get my eyes checked because I am too freaked out by an eye doctor. The only way I know I have 20/20 vision (well used to anyway) is from the driver's license test they give you and from when I was in elementary school. Even a diagram or a picture of an eyeball will totally freak me out. Please don't send me any to be funny. Please.
4. Sometimes I think my dogs were reincarnated from humans. If one of my dog's wink at me I have to wink back. You know, just in case they are trying to send me a message or something. It is also a reason I don't let them watch me do anything too embarrassing.
5. I love cheese. I wish I could give up dairy since there are a lot of people who are convinced it is a government conspiracy to keep us sick. But you will have to pull the cheese out of my cold dead hands.
6. I have a pelvic kidney.
7. I have always wanted to be an astronaut. The solar system, distant galaxies, and the vacuum of space amaze me. I am still considering the teacher in space program. If I decide not to have children, I will certainly apply.
8. I have a tendency to hold grudges. I hate that about myself. I wish I could just get over it. You may think I forgot or forgave. I didn't.
9. I cannot watch a movie in black and white. It will not hold my attention. I am too distracted wondering what colors their clothes were, etc. Technicolor is very important to me. I love saturated color. Pinks, reds, yellow, purple, aqua, etc. Life is too short for boring colors. Heaven forbid I become colorblind and have to go to the eye doctor.
10. I am unsure about my religious beliefs. I feel very torn about how I feel. Maybe it is a phase but I am scared of choosing one or the other. I don't know what you are supposed to do when you aren't sure what you believe. Especially when you used to know.
11. One of the reasons I love working with children is because they are so funny. I just don't like that there usually isn't another adult in the room to share the humor with. I wish I had the time to write down some of the hilarious things they tell me. It would be a book in no time.
12. I take pride in teaching children how to read. Even when I am frustrated with a struggling reader, I tell myself to keep trying and look for new ways. I am a leaving a legacy that will last their whole lives. You may forget how to ride a bicycle, but it is unlikely that you will ever forget how to read.
13. If I am nervous or grossed out my toes will go numb. It is the weirdest sensation.
14. I live in fear of a tragic accident or imminent death (cancer, murder, brain tumor, blood clot, plane accident) and sometimes it can be mentally crippling. I hate feeling like something is wrong with me. This is funny because people tell me I seem so self confident.
15. I don't really like Texas. I am over the whole cowboy gun toting tumbleweed vision that everyone else in America has of people who live here. I do not have a Texas accent and even I can't really take people seriously who do. I don't say yall unless I am making fun of Britney Spears and I don't have problems enunciating. I recently was at a family function where people were actually discussing Texas being its own country. Oh yeah, I am so sure.
16. I love to sing at the top of my lungs when the situation presents itself. I am quite talented at making an ass of myself at karaoke.
17. Once I had an ovarian cyst and I was so freaked out that it would have hair or teeth or a finger I barely slept until it was finally removed. I just knew it was my evil twin. Thankfully, it was just a normal fluid filled cyst. When I woke up from surgery my Mom and Ryan said it was the first question I asked.***
18. I love bleach. Once I even bleached my big toe because I had a toe fungus from my swim class in college. The bleach made it go away quickly. I have a lot of funny pictures with my toe if you ever want to see it. Despite my embarrassment and trauma from the whole experience, I would still show anyone and everyone. It didn't look gross, just white. That bleach is probably going to cause the cancer I am so afraid of.
19. I can't paint my fingernails. Toenails are a must, but polish on my hands make me feel like they're dirty. I think it looks cute, and I want to paint them or have a manicure, but the polish won't last on me for more than a day, if even that -- I will end up taking it off in a fit of thinking my nails are dirty.
20. I love Austin. It is the least Texas-y that people can imagine. There are more gays and liberals here than all of Texas combined. (every girl needs a fairy to keep her grounded) And heaven forbid you tear down a tree or an old structure, the hippies will freak out. At least this tends to scare off the more conservative so they avoid Austin. When I moved here my Dad asked me why I wanted to live around weirdos.
21. I want a baby but I worry about the state of things with our Earth and our economy. Most of all I worry about losing a part of myself in being someone else's mother (I know it is selfish and this is hard for me to admit).
22. I loved high school. If I could go back and relive it, I definitely would.
23. I really love being up really late at night. Two, three, or four am is my most creative and productive time. I just can't do it much these days with my schedule. Thankfully summer is just around the corner.
24. Getting old really makes me nervous. I hate having a birthday for the sole reason of turning another year older. Thankfully I get to to stuff the pain away with cupcakes and presents.
25. I am incredibly neurotic. I am a serial list maker and my planner/calendar must be updated pretty much always (which reminds me...). I even keep my planner from previous years. For instance, I could tell you what I was doing on January 19, 2007. I went to a doctor's appt. at 9:30am, got my car inspected, went to class, went to the mall, and got paid. I don't really ever get lazy with updating it except for around the very end of December, but only because I am prepping the new calendar for the upcoming year.
And there it is. My list is complete. I would tag some of you, but I don't want to piss off anyone. If you want to do it, you should. It was surprisingly harder than I expected and I love reading other people's lists.
***these things actually exist:
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
1 month ago
I hate that my toothbrust is so close to the toilet. I twittered about it this morning.
ReplyDeleteI taught Jake to wink at cats and dogs because most wink back and I believe it is a great way to send and receive secret messages from dead people.
B&W movies bore the crap outta me. I love set design more than movie plots and it is totally lost with B&W.
I am petrified of instant tragedies. Therapy is helping.
I hear Austin is almost exactly like Philly. I love Philly.
#21- I have a baby and I worry about all those things. And yes, part of me is lost. But part of me is found. It doesn't quite equal out. Sometimes the lost part is so huge I feel like I can't go on. Sometimes the found part is so huge that it forces me to.
I love your list.
Whew. I was worried there would be some I didn't already know.
ReplyDeleteI love everything about you, these are only 25 of the reasons. :)