Thursday, August 13, 2009

I couldn't come up with any appropriate titles for this one...

The other night I went out to 6th Street with some friends. I know...6th Street...the only place other than Bourbon Street where the party never seems to end. I have lived in Austin for over 10 years but the friend whose birthday we were celebrating is relatively new to the city. So of course she is mesmerized by the whole 6th Street thing.

My best friend Christy is one of the coolest, craziest people you will ever meet. I feel very confident in saying that. She does as she wants when she pleases no matter how insane. It is one of the things I love most about her. It was her idea to go bar hopping so that the birthday girl can hit up as many bars as possible to get free shots at each bar for her b-day. Meanwhile, Christy is having a few shots but mostly beer. So it was one drink at each bar and then we keep moving.

At one point we were leaving a bar and a guy was like "Hey! You dropped something." I didn't know he was talking to me. He then runs up behind me and said, "I think you dropped this." And then we both looked at it at the same time and he smiled. I didn't. I said "It's not mine, but I know who it belongs to thanks." To which he replied "Yeah, sure...hahahahahaha"

It was a beer koozie (Christy's of course) and this is what it looks like:

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