Monday, June 15, 2009

summer-summer-summertime...time to sit back and unwind

I found this post in my drafts. It kind of made me sad to look at it. I wrote it before this whole wound ordeal began.

Oh, how the tide changes with one twist in the road.
Anyway, it was a preliminary list that I was working on to organize my activities this summer.
Things may have had a bit of a hiccup, but I still plan to do most if not all of these things.

List of things to I want to do this Summer

-canoeing on town lake

-take at least two sewing classes

- enjoy a sunset at mansfield dam and/or mount bonnell

-go tubing on the river at least twice a month until school starts

-have a campout with friends (and just to be clear I don't mean actually camping in tents)

-stay on the riverwalk in san antonio

-read at least three new books (I am too embarrassed to tell you what I am currently reading because it is not literature in the least...let's just say it involves a celebrity's life story...a b-list celebrity...hey at least I'm reading!)

-visit my hometown and go to the beach

-stay up all night at least twice ( i really enjoy this) [mission accomplished on this one]

-a 30th unbirthday party to make up for my shitstorm of a month that was May 2009 ( and yes this will call for you to endure at least a few hours of karoke)
-go to the farmers market

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