Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm Alive!!!

Hi guys!  So sorry for the lack of posting.  May is usually my favorite month, but this year it was the pits.  Any who, June has finally arrived and I am slowly getting back to normal.

Is it sick that I really want to post a picture of my wound?  I really do, but I must say it is extremely close to my butt crack.  Yeah, that's my luck, I had to have surgery on my ass.

Basically, on my birthday I caught some sort of stomach bug and while I was completely wiped out for about 4 days of horrible-ness I somehow won the lottery on getting a pilonidal cyst.  Which then I had opened and then noticed I was getting worse only to find out I developed a nasty infection that can be life threatening if you don't get it taken care of.  I actually had a "superbug".  Really, my surgeon used those words.  So I had emergency surgery (which should be another post entirely) because all of the tissue infected had to be removed before it spread.  In the hospital they treated me like I was handing out AIDS to people walking by, it was embarrassing.  My doctor said that I probably got the infection from school and that it is everywhere these days, lurking in corners.  I just had an open site for the bug to work it's way into.  But all in all, we aren't sure how I got so sick so fast.

The craziest part...my wound started out  9cm long, 1 and 1/2 cm wide and almost 5 cm deep.  That is like 2 inches deep into my body dug out.  I was on some serious morphine (oh how I miss you sometimes).  The day before I got out of the hospital I was in so much pain that I was shaking uncontrollably and could barely walk or stand.  It was so upsetting Ryan told me he almost fainted.

So I have a wound vac, which is basically a sponge that is in my body attached to a vacuum to control drainage (gross, I know).  I have to go to Physical Therapy wound care 3 times a week to have my dressings changed.  I am certainly the youngest person, which is interesting, and freaks me out a little.  My therapists are all really cool and we joke around a lot.  I can't drive myself to therapy because I have to basically O.D. on pain medicine so I am not a little bitch during my debridement and wound care.  It is a total pain having to ask people to drive me to the hospital 3 times a week and to leave school early.  I just hate making a fuss like that.  At least Ryan is legally obligated to take me according to our marriage license and the State of Texas. Christy is just an awesome friend who knows I have too much on her to upset me (just kidding you two, I know you take me because you love me).  My Mom absolutely could not handle it anymore.  In fact when she saw my surgical site the first time she screamed that it was the grossest thing she had ever seen in her life and then said "she is going to die, isn't she" in the saddest voice I have ever heard her say.  But thanks for the reinforcement Mom, really.  The doctor told her, "Of course she is going to live."

And she didn't lie, because I did...live that is.

So I am back at work wrapping up the school year (and by that I mean that my students are watching Toy Story as we speak while I post this..and packing up my classroom for the short 11 weeks until I have to unpack it again).

Thanks for the well wishes and sweet thoughts.  I have missed you.


  1. please email me a picture if you don't post it publicly! then i'll have your email too! I can never respond to the comments you leave on my blog!

  2. So glad to hear from you! Post the pics!!
